AFFIRMA Business Centers

AFFIRMA Business Centers

AFFIRMA Business Centers, has been in business over 15 years with one goal: to provide a fully comprehensive and quality service to our customers. Our business began in the area of professional counseling and fiscal management, legal work, accounting / financial services, commercial and then developed internationally into Businness Centers.

With the evolution of the market and looking for a more diverse and competitive supply of services to customers, AFFIRMA has expanded its business activity to the Business Centers.

The AFFIRMA business centers are known for their efficiency, range of services and its highly qualified professional team. Available at our centers, as well as offices, there are meeting, training and conference rooms fully equipped, providing more and better services than in any large hotel, in a professional environment appropriate for the proper development of courses and / or meetings. Our multilingual team will serve customers working as part of your company staff, and our technical department rooms will customize the offices to your needs.

AFFIRMA is commited to a professional, efficient and personal attention to all our clients. Our customer orientation, ongoing training and technological innovation are the foundation that allows us to offer a quality service backed by the ISO 9001.

The relationship and the commitment to our customers in the fifteen year history of the company makes us among the most competitive companies in the sector. This success has lead us to develop a policy of business expansion, with the recent opening of the Business Center on the 18th floor of the Torre de Cristal, located EXCLUSIVELY in the most prestigious business area in Madrid, las Cuatro Torres Business Centers. One new center tailored to the most demanding needs of today’s manager.

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