Hospital Quiron Teknon

Hospital Quiron Teknon

Cristina R.

Hospital Quiron Teknon is one of the leading hospitals in the Spanish private healthcare sector, thanks to the high quality of its medical staff and care services in a setting that combines individual attention with the full support of the latest health technology.

Hospital QuirĂ³n Teknon is run according to a rigorous culture of quality management aimed at providing the best treatment and patient satisfaction with the highest standards of safety, all of which has earned it the prestigious accreditation from the US Joint Commission International as well as the accreditation of inpatient acute care centers of the Generalitat of Catalonia (based on the excellence model of the efqm european foundation for quality management), which makes it one of the few hospitals in Spain to have earned both distinctions.

One of the mainstays of Teknon is innovation and the ongoing introduction of the latest advances, achieved through the participation of specialists involved in research projects.

Located in a residential area and surrounded by gardens, Teknon is situated at the heart of Barcelona, a highly appealing tourist destination enjoying international renown thanks to its many attractions, such as its architecture, traditional cuisine and Mediterranean weather.

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