New team member at GLOBALS

Jordi from Catalonia doing an EYE


We are happy to introduce you Jordi from Catalonia. He is joining for  6 months starting at the beginning of December 2019 thanks to an Erasmus Young Entrepreneur. Jordi is passionate about rural and international development, specially about co-creation, build communities, mobility and sharing economy. So, if you are on that, he will love to connect with you.


After his second university year He did an international volunteering service in Senegal, which gave him more points of view. Then, He got involved in an entrepreneurship program, which gave him the resources and knowledge to start a startup. These two experiences have driven him to what He is now; a social innovator and changemaker. When He realized that to make a deep impact, it must be cultural, He shifted his career, from renewable energies to Anthropology, but he’ve been working always for the same purpose; make a more connected, shared and sustainable world.


With the same NGO, He hacked the people, entities and governments of his county, the poorest region in Catalonia (the one with less immigrants and with more depopulation), to welcome refugees. They have welcomed the first refugee family from El Salvador. To make it grow, they will make it Open Source to spread it around, so people and NGOs from will be able to replicate the project.

His first social startup; Opportumeety, a digital platform for social networking on the go; it allows to share your events trips, connect with your communities around and by SDGs in common in airports, stations and public transports. But they are focused on events, where people usually travel the days before and after. They are going to launch next January 2020 and it’s a bootstrapped mobility start-up.


He is willing to learn about German market and culture, also learn about event and networking industry, the fields of his own startup. As he loves to meet meet people from other cultures, travel and events, he hopes to contribute, learn and enjoy a lot from this experience.

He hopes to meet you at some Welcome event 2020. You can connect with him at Linkedin here;

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