Why should you become your own boss/entrepreneur

We already know the negative part of being your own boss. You have to be extremely disciplined, you will put yourself in risky situations, you will not sleep, and the worst part:  what if you run out of money and fall into debt? That is a dark hole in which anyone would want to avoid. But we are not here to make you lose hope. Our purpose with this article is to make you believe you can build a company and be proud of it.  So we would like to show you 8 reasons why you should start your own business and become an entrepreneur.


  1. Freedom. You will work hard, and at the beginning, you will spend your time making an arduous effort to ensure your company works. However, you will reach a point in which you will be able to manage your schedule and enjoy your free time.
  1. Networking. Business people are always looking for inspiration. They are always attending conferences, courses, and meetings. In these places, you will find new friends who can give you a hand with your Brand Image. Indeed, entrepreneurs are people who love to learn from others experiences, share stories and to be surrounded by creative people. That is why this would be the perfect environment for you.
  1. Challenge yourself.  As an entrepreneur, you will notice that you are going to push yourself all the time to overcome new challenges. Learning new skills like SEO, Social Media, and Market Analysis are some examples.
  1. You will be an expert. It does not matter what you do. You will become a highly qualified professional, so it will be easier for you to share your message to the world. In addition, you can also help others to make their dreams come true, turning yourself into their mentor.
  2. Determination. No one is going to tell you what to do or when your deadlines are. So as the time goes by, you will discover that you will be more accurate in your personal life.
  1.  Autonomy. Some entrepreneurs simply want to avoid the daily routine that comes along with a career that isn’t self-motivating for them. Doing your job when you want and when you feel the most productive. This is one of the best parts of running your own brand because you can organize the day and modify it without any problem.
  2. Financial Independence. Let’s be honest, this is probably the main reason why people start their own companies.
  3. Accomplishment. Finally, a sense of accomplishment makes people happy. You know what I am talking about, you will feel happy and proud of your success


“If you’re not a risk taker, you should get the hell out of business.” – Ray Croc,  founder of McDonald’s.


What should you do with your business or brand during COVID-19? 


The coronavirus pandemic is turning out to be an international economic crisis, with ramifications for all industries and markets. A cross-border economic crisis affects companies large and small, challenging an organization’s management and its employees.Startup entrepreneurs, known for their creativity and flexibility, are rapidly confronting the crisis in various ways.


Here are some ideas from Club GLOBALS for your business:


  1. Create a social media account and upload your products or business there
  2. Follow the same accounts as your brand/business
  3. Find the true audience for your brand/ business
  4. Tag them on your post/stories and people can easily get to know you 
  5. Use effectively and relevant #’s for your post/stories that will help your potential customers notice you
  6. Give advertising with true options 


Try these tips and you will see the differences in the income you get.

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Save the date, March 2, 2025

Barcelona, Spain

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